How Your Habits Treat Any Change With Resistance



It’s interesting that whenever we establish a new skill or even a new pattern in our life our first resistance doesn’t come from pressure on the outside but it always comes from within, from our own property!

 Our soul, our will, mind, emotions and body have established habits and these habits treat and new major changes with resistance.

In sports, coaches call this ‘homeostasis,’ which is the ‘STATUS’ (stasis) where the athlete is most comfortable or at home as a person or human ‘HOMEO.’

 Homeostasis can be seen in a great illustration when the alarm goes off in the morning earlier than your usual pattern for your first day in the gym – your body rebels. Your mind talks you out of going even before you go. Or the moment you decide to go on a diet and the only thing that changes is the decision to change your eating habits, your body starts to crave the old pattern of eating and all that changed was the decision!

 The same is true with our emotions. Your nervous system gets accustomed to the neurons that fire off and link your feelings together, and this includes negative feelings. So therefore whatever gives you an emotional reward, good or bad you keep on doing ( even unconsciously). Your body starts to literally manufacture a chemical called ‘peptide’, and this chemical makes sure you repeat the feelings! This is how throughout life we sustain this wiring and react to different circumstances the same way and our mind reassures us that this pattern is OK!

 This is scientific truth that doesn’t change regardless of age, culture or nationality and if we want to come into mastery where we enter the realm of superior wealth, relationships, health then we have to recognise that our mind/ soul and body are conditioned to a certain income, health and level of intimacy. 

So to change this you and I have to make sure we own our own mastery. How many of us have derived a certain amount of comfort by rehearsing to ourselves and others the never-ending obstacles and pain we received from others. Even months after the initial hurt something usually triggers us and off we go again. Perhaps like me you have encountered someone who was offended with you and months after the initial hurt they are back tormenting you again, but when confronted they deny black and blue they have an offense? 

The thing is that most of us say the old adage ‘God is trying to teach me something’ and the truth is He is but we often don’t get it, until we are challenged to see that everything that we have in our life is in some way a reflection of our own choices. So when relationships, business health fail it is usually because of decisions we have mad at some level consciously or subconsciously. The thing we need to do is take “personal responsibility” for the results we are attracting and to stop  and stop identifying with the role of a “victim.”

 This means that you possess all your territory, which leads to Mastery in every area of your life by taking responsibility for how things appear.We must become fully aware and find insights that lead to wiser choices for a better future and prepare ourselves beforehand for resistance or homeostasis which is the opposition you encounter on your own physical, emotional and mental territory.

 So what steps can you take to gain Mastery?

  1. Feelings that fire together, wire together. A saying I use constantly in my passion to profit seminars. In other words past experiences have fired off different feelings and these will write together so in future experiences when one feeling is felt it will fire off a whole barrage of other feelings which eventually work out in your behavior.
  2. Thinking is taught but feelings get caught. Feelings are as transferable as a cold virus! You and I to have mastery need to hang around people who are contagious about living a life of Mastery. Hang around gossips and you become one ( even in the name of ‘sharing).
  3. Your state reflects your seeing. What state are you living in? There are only two states, resourceful and unresourceful. Are you rehearsing who you really are and what you want to become? 

 Recognising and practicing these three points will quickly rid you of old patterns, create new ones and make you well on your way to personal mastery!

 Till Next Time


Author, Speaker and Convergence Mastery Life Coach






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