Increase Your Influence


Keep your eyes focused on where you are going and the place you and I are heading toward is not just Heaven, but His Kingdom ‘come’ or in Greek meaning, appearing, arising and to find a place of influence and become known.

Everyone has influence, because during our lifetime we will all influence someone. To establish His kingdom in our midst means that we have to become a good steward of the influence we have.
Here are 4 simple reminders of influence:

* Influence is like a muscle. The more you use it, the more it grows. It takes courage. You’ll have to get out of your comfort zone, speak up when you’re intimidated and serve others when you don’t feel like it. Jesus challenged us to be like salt that preserves and flavors the world around us. It takes a choice, a decision to influence my world.

Tomorrow will be the result of choices we make today.

Choose a path filled with joy, forgiveness and compassion for others. Choose to be an instrument of good in the lives of others. Choose to forgive others who have wounded you. Choose to get up out of despair and see the new day that awaits you.

* If I’m not influencing them, then they’re influencing me. Not only do we all influence others, but we’re all influenced by others as well. And when we’re unaware of the power that others have to influence us, we’ll allow our hearts to compromise. Just as Lot failed to influence the cities of the plain in Genesis, we too can become attached to the values of the culture we’re hoping to change.

* Understanding that the Kingdom purpose of influence is to speak up for those that have no influence. Psalm 72 says, “Please stand up for the poor, help the children of the needy, come down hard on the cruel tyrants.” In other words, Lord, please help me to use my influence on behalf of those who have little voice or platform of their own—the poor, the fatherless, the diseased and isolated, the slave and the oppressed.

* The ultimate Kingdom reason is that I will one-day answer to God for how I used my influence. I am eternally accountable for how I used the influence God gave me in this life.

What I do with my influence in the temporary time I have on earth matters forever. The question God will ask every human being in His judgment is, “What did you do with my Son, Jesus?” And the question He will ask everyone who is a member of His family is, “What did you do with the time and the resources and the influence I gave you?”

I know that like me you also want to influence this world in light of the next. That’s our calling as His Body, to bring His Kingdom down on this earth.

I love what John Wayne said concerning our future;

Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. It comes to us at midnight very clean. It’s perfect when it arrives, and it puts itself in our hands and hopes we’ve learned something from yesterday.

None of us have very long on this earth, life is fleeting and as the stars light up the velvety black sky remember to let yesterday be a teacher, but know that tomorrow comes as a cloud, ready, crying out, and waiting for you to influence it, and mould it, into its eternal purpose.


Be Blessed


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